League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
BR | DB | GN | JA | JP | KI | MI | MB | OC | ORL | PE | PG | RB | SA | SA | STA | SC | SP | SU | TA
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2017 63-77
2018 65-75
2019 62-78
2020 66-74
2021 73-67
2022 75-65
2023 74-66
2024 79-61
2025 77-63
2026 73-67
2027 80-60
2028 86-54
2029 85-55
2030 89-51
2031 70-70
2032 85-55
2033 90-50
2034 53-87
2035 72-68
2036 65-75
2037 66-74
2038 63-77
2039 70-70
2040 79-61
2041 71-69
2042 86-54
2043 61-79
2044 86-54
2045 79-61
2046 73-67
2047 78-62
2048 68-70
2049 71-67
2050 78-60
2051 61-77
2052 71-67
2053 55-83
2054 71-67
2055 68-70
2056 73-65
2057 88-50
2058 86-52
2059 78-60
2060 113-25
2061 112-26
2062 96-42
2063 98-40
2064 75-63
2065 0-0
49 years 0 players 0 players 0 players 0 players 0 players 0 players 0 players 0 players
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